Friday, November 13, 2009

Pelosi Pandemonium

The handiwork of the protesters can be seen in this delightful video. Heads up, NSFW language. You do catch a glimpse of the elderly lady sporting a "Victory to the Taliban" sign, though, so that's classy.

My bleeding heart credentials notwithstanding, I've apparently become a target of the liberal protest-elite.

Lining up for the JFK, Jr. Forum event featuring Speaker of the House Mamcy Pelosi a few moments ago, I drew many a scowl from the threadbare swarm of Pelosi-etc-protesters. Hand-fashioned signs proclaiming that the "Kennedy School Supports US Wars" plodded alongside Kinko's-grade B&W double-sided pleas to "Stop The Afghanistan War."

NB: The "O" in "Stop" was appropriated from a certain democratic campaign last year (snap!). Also, I doubt that the union bugs at the bottom of each sign came from a union shop.

I'm not merely sarcastically describing my own rhetorical "crew." Protest is a sacred expression of civil disobedience (thank you, French forebears), and I think everyone should give it a shot now and again.

However, bringing five buddies to stand outside of a speaking event, with no substantive agenda or force behind your presence, seems to sap the strength of "the cause."

There are indubitably some baseline rules that bind political parties together:

1. We don't have to agree about everything to be in the same party;

2. Everyone has the right to hold their elected officials accountable; and

3. The biggest volunteers on any campaign will always have a marked impact on the bizarre-o factor in the room.

One common sense lesson that supercedes all of that, for whatever my opinion is worth, is, "If you're going to do something, do it right."

Anyway. 50 minutes in and still no Speaker. What sound do twiddling thumbs make, again?

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